Monday, August 2, 2010


Yes, it's as comfortable as it looks.  Yes, you can buy it. $250

If you want your home to look like a fancy establishment and not a dorm room, you're on the right track.  If you want your home to look like you won Mega Millions, this art is for you.  $75 each

A Mac Mini!  $Dunno!
If you like sitting outside, and you like a table that's a beer cooler, you might like this.  Or maybe not?  If not tell a friend who has similar interests (and better taste).  $90

I will throw in that comfortable (albeit short) blue blanket for the right price.  If you want both your upper body AND your feet to be warm, this is NOT the blanket for you, but it's free so quit yelling.  $150

I tried to take a high angle fancy shot of this grill.  You're welcome.  $100
Can't even begin to express how well this mini table holds things.  Books?  Check.  Drinks?  Check.  This is a really long description about a small black table!  $40
HOLY CRAP!  I know, pretty snazzy.  This one speaks for itself.  $550 (TV)
Ahahahaha I don't even know what this is.  $30
This is a "rustic trunk" and by rustic I mean "beat up" and by trunk I mean "trunk."  $65
RUG! $40
Look at how sophisticated you could look... sitting in this leather recliner... reading a book about smart stuff... smoking a pipe.... drinking 50 year old scotch.... scratching your Irish Setter... contemplating solutions to world hunger and sudoku... $200
I can't even begin to describe this chair.  $50
This desk is big.  And you can put stuff on it (see examples above).  $175
This is the previous small round table cut in half.  No it isn't.  Or is it?  $30
This art says "hey, look at me, I needed stuff on the walls to color match, don't buy me."  Why would you listen to what art says, art is a jerk. $50 each
This bookcase is sideways.  Turn your head. $150
I'm tired of thinking about what to say.  $500 (bed, nightstand and headboard w/o mattress)
Still tired.  $100 (dresser)